Sunday, June 16, 2019

Mobile Phone Technology: Recent studies regarding the effects of RF radiation upon DNA

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After watching a 2019 PBS program created by Burt Wolf entitled "Travels & Traditions: Travel & The Danger of RF Radiation", I made a post at its YouTube page providing a summary of more recent studies regarding the effects of RF radiation upon DNA, a potential cause of cancer. These studies are applicable to mobile phone technology:

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... Below is more recent information along with URL links for reading. Please note that I am making this post for the purpose of sharing useful information. I have no interest in spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt). Further studies specific the results of human exposure to RF radiation are required and forthcoming.

• March, 2018 the US NIH's National Toxicology Program completed their $25 million "Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation Study" and offered it for peer review. Public release of this study was delayed until October, 2018.

• August, 2018 the Ramazzini Institute in Italy completed and published their own study, "Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission". Their study verified the results of the NIH study.

• November, 2018 the world press began publishing articles regarding both studies.

• November, 2018 the first petition was created to "Move Radio Frequency Radiation from Class 2b to Class 1". The petition is to be presented to IARC, WHO (International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization) upon reaching 20,000 signatures.

Interpreting these results and applying them to the effects of current 3G/4G and upcoming 5G mobile phone technology upon humans remains somewhat tenuous. However, my understanding is that these are definitive studies indicating that RF radiation within a specified range, in sufficient concentration and exposure, is capable of damaging human DNA and causing cancer.

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